CSC152 2006S, Class 17: Javadoc Admin: * No reading for tomorrow. * Homework not yet ready. * Advance warning: Exam 1 to be distributed Friday. * Today is the deadline for Grinnellsummer research applications. * That command ssh -Y -l username * Eat, Bubalah, eat Overview: * Javadoc, summarized. * Lab. Javadoc is a mechanism for writing documentation for client programmers: WHAT the method does, not HOW. (also WHO) Form: /** ... */ May appear before: * Class declaration * Method declaration * Field declaration * Constant declaration The javadoc program turns such comments into nicely-readable documentation. (Looks much like the standard documentation.) What are the elipses? * Natural-language sentences. * HTML code, if you so desire. * Special Javadoc tags * For classes: @author YOUR NAME @version V of DATE * For methods @param NAME explanataion @exception NAME explanation @return explanation @pre @post After generating documentation, if you can't load it in the browser, type chmod -R a+rx /home/USERNAME/public_html/Documentation