CSC152 2006S, Class 14: Loops Admin: * Questions on HW7 * How many classes will we need? Probably one, but it will contain both main and evaluateMatch * Specifying filename: Can hard code File foo = new File("/home/username/CSC152/names.txt"); vs. pen.prompt("Please enter the name of the file: "); File foo = new File(eyes.readLine()); * Form of strings: First names fine, but up to you * Homework is graded sporadically * Sorry about yesterday's rants * Running MathLAN programs on your Mac in Applications:Utilities, open X11 If a terminal window does not open, open one Type "xhost +" (no quotation marks) (type a return) Figure out your IP address and the name of a computer in MathLAN On your Mac, in the terminal window, type ssh Fill in your password when prompted You now have a terminal window in the MathLAN Type "export DISPLAY=ipaddress:0.0 Type eclipse Cross your fingers (and pray, if you believe in a higher being) * Running MathLAN program on your PC Find an X11 server Follow the above instructions * Read: "When Things Go Wrong: Exceptions in Java" Overview: * Reminder: Form of loops * Lab public static boolean isEven(int i) { return (i % 2) == 0; }