CSC152 2005S, Class 34: Heaps, Continued Admin: * Homework due yesterday at 5pm was serious * If you didn't submit it yesterday, submit it today! * We will consider the algorithms in depth on the exam * Sam is being sued and is therefore behind on everything a Today: Lab on Heaps Q&A: What class would we use for nodes? Something like public class HeapNode { Object contents; HeapNode parent; HeapNode left; HeapNode right; } // class HeapNode THE REST OF THE LAB IS READY * Note: The current version of IntHeap has an implementation of swapUp. (No, I don't guarantee that it works correctly. That's up to you to determine.) MAKE SURE YOU HAVE IT. * Note: Once you've identified the significant flaws in IntHeap, DO NOT FIX THEM IMMEDIATELY. WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO.