CSC152 2005S, Class 55: Course Evalaution Admin: * Extra credit for Cassie's talk today (4:15, ARH 305) * Extra credit for "the split" talk tomorrow (4:15, somewhere in the department) * No, you don't get your labs graded * How will the grading change? * Exam 1: 25% * Exam 2: 25% * Exam 3: 25% * Homework: "A" for 10% (if you turned it in) * Participation: 15% * Base grade: 90 * Particularly good answers (and volunteer): +5 to +10 * Non-contributatory "partcipation" -5 to -10 * Misses 3-4 classes: -10 * Misses 5-6 classes: -20 * Misses 7-8 classes: -40 * Misses 9+ classes: -80 * Questions on the exam? * Should the "get" in DyanamicArray remove the element? * No. It should just return it (just as when you get an element from an array, it doesn't remove it). * Do Dynamic ararys have to work with all kinds of objects? * Yes. * But they don't have to work with int, float, etc. * Doesn't that mean we our clients have to cast the result of get? * Yes. Tough noogies. * If we use a parameterized type, will our clients have to cast the result? * No. That's why next year the students will have to write a parameterized Dynamic Array. * Why aren't you making us write a parameterized DynamicArray? * I'm too nice. Overview: * Distribution of evaluation forms * You fill out the evaluation forms