CSC152 2005S, Class 50: Quadratic Sorts Admin: * Ringpops! * How can you resist crystalline sugar with artificial flavor and color? * Especially when it's attached to a hunka plastic that can wrap around your finger? * For tomorrow: Think about the question at the end of this eboard. Overview: * Testing sorting * Bubble sort * Selection sort * Insertion sort * Can we do better? Suppose we've written the following interfaces: public interface OutOfPlaceVectorSorter { public Vector sort(Vector a, Comparator c); } public interface InPlaceVectorSorter { public void sort(Vector a, Comparator c); } Suppose that someone else writes a class that supposedly implements one of these interfaces (your choice) How would you verify that the sorter that they've written is correct? * You can assume that you only need to verify correctness for Vectors of Integers * We'll need to create a Vector to sort. * We'll need to create something that can compare two Integers * Nope, the folks at Sun didn't do it for us. Detour: What should we do when we want to use Comparable objects (and their compareTo method), but or sorter expects a Comparator? public class ComparatorForComparables> implements Comparator { public int compare(C a, C b) { return a.compareTo(b); } // compare(C,C) } // ComparatorForComparables Comparator c = new ComparatorForComparables; InPlaceVectorSorter testme = new RolfSorter; Vector vec = new Vector; ... // Throw in a random buncha integers from 1 to 100 testme.sort(vec, c); pen.println("The sorted vector is " + vec); // Not a bad idea, but ... if (this.isSorted(vec, c)) { pen.println("Rolf sorted the vector correctly."); } else { pen.println("Rolf fails. Here's what he came up with when sorting: " + vec); } ... public boolean isSorted(Vector v, Comparator c) { for (int i = 0; i < v.size()-1; i++) { if (, v.get(i+1)) > 0) { return false; } // if } // for // At this point, everything worked out okay. return true; } // isSorted(Vector v, Comparator c) * QUestions * In one stage of the tester, we have not verified that the result is a permutation of the original. How do we do it? * Check the length * Use an outofplace sorting algorithm and make sure that each element in the original vector appears the same number of times in the sorted vector. * OR: Generate a sequence of numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) * CHoose a "random" starting point * Choose a "random" increment (between 1 and 5) * "Randomize" the original vector * Run the same test LOTS AND LOTS of times * Try different size vectors * Also try: Already sorted (so we can just ask him to resort), Already "reverse sorted" Techniques for Sorting One sorting algorithm: Bubble sort * Warning! Do not use it unless there is no other option (or you're told to) * Idea: Repeatedly swap neighboring elements that are out of order. * Running time: O(n^2) * The constant multiplier is fairly large Another sorting algorithm: Insertion sort * Split the vector/list/whatever into two parts: Unsorted and Sorted * Initially only the first element is sorted * Initially everything else is unsorted * Repeatedly take the first element of the unsorted portion and put it in the correct place of the sorted portion [ 10 | 07 02 06 10 08 05 10 10 06 ] [ 07 10 | 02 06 10 08 05 10 10 06 ] [ 02 07 10 | 06 10 08 05 10 10 06 ] [ 02 06 07 10 | 10 08 05 10 10 06 ] [ 02 06 07 10 10 | 08 05 10 10 06 ] [ 02 06 07 08 10 10 | 05 10 10 06 ] * Running time: * For one round: * Finding the correct place to insert: b/c already sorted: O(log_2n) * Inserting: O(n) to shift everything right * There are n rounds: O(n^2) * More careful analysis: First round: At most one swap Second round: At most two swaps Kth round: At most k swaps Total number of swaps: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n-1 Sum: 1 + 2 + ... + m Answer: (m * (m+1)) / 2 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + m/2 + m + m-1 + m-2 + m/2+1 ------------------------------ m+1 + m+1 + m+1 + m+1 m/2 columns, each of which sums to m+1, m/2*(m+1) If m is odd, sum the first m-1 elements and then add m (m-1)*m/2 + m = (2m + (m-1)m) / 2 = (m-1+2)m/2 = (m+1)m/2 Conclusion: Number of swaps is O(n*(n-1)/2) = O(n^2) The final basic sorting algorithm: Selection sort * Split array/vector into two parts: Unsorted and sorted * Unsorted is initially empty * Sorted is initially everything * Repeatedly find the smallest thing in unsorted and put it at the end of sorted [ | 10 07 02 06 10 08 05 10 10 06 ] Putting 02 in the front means we had to move the 10 somewhere and we crated a hole, so SWAP [ 02 | 07 10 06 10 08 05 10 10 06 ] [ 02 05 | 10 06 10 08 07 10 10 06 ] [ 02 05 06 | 10 10 08 07 10 10 06 ] [ 02 05 06 06 | 10 08 07 10 10 10 ] Finding the smallest value in an array: O(n) Repeated n times O(n^2) === CAN WE DO BETTER? Yes! Divide and conquer