CSC152 2005FS, Class 13: Conditionals Overview: * Happy Valentine's Day! * Reading may be available for tomorrow Admin: * Questions on classes? * Basics of Booleans * If statements * Lab /Types in Java/ * Primitive types: int, float, long, double, ... * Predefined classes (including some that correspond to primitive types) * Your own classes * One more primitive type: boolean * Truth values: true, false * Named after George Boole: Developed "calculus" of truth values * Interesting operations: Numbers n and m: n < m n > m n <= m n >= m n == m ; Equal to, two signs to distinguish from assignment n != m ; Not equal to Boolean expressions b and c (b && c) ; AND (b || c) ; OR !b ; NOT In Scheme, you have "false" and "everything else" In Java, a variable of type boolean can only be true or false In Java, when you need a boolean expression, that expression can only evaluate to true or false * Why use booleans? if (boolean-expression) { stuff-to-do-if-the-expression-evaluates-to-true } else { stuff-to-do-if-the-expression-evaluates-to-false } * Meaning: * Evaluate the boolean-expression * If it evaluates to true, do "stuff...true" * If it evaluates to false, do "stuff...false" * Java won't have compiled the program if it can evaluate to soemthing else * The else part is optional, in which case you "do nothing" if the boolean expression evaluates to false * When you want to test a sequence of expressions if (boolean-expression) { stuff-to-do-if-the-expression-evaluates-to-true } else if (another-boolean-expression) { stuff-to-do-if-the-first-evaluates-to-false-and-the-second-to-true } else if (yet-another-boolean-expression) { stuff-yadda } else { stuff-to-do-if-nothing-evaluates-to-true } public String method grade() { if ((!"ROLF") && (this.numeric > 93)) || (this.numeric >= 94)) { return "A"; } else if (this.numeric >= 90) { return "A-"; } else { return "B-"; } } DO the lab! Be prepared to reflect * How do you call a method within a constructor? this.method(params); For example this.cleanup(); How far did you get? * Currently working on problem 1 (no negative denominator) * Currently working on problem 2 (simplify) * Currently working on problem 3 (comparison) * Currently working on problem 4 (comparison, revisited)