CSC152 2005F, Class 49: Linked Lists Admin: * Questions on the exam? * Other notes Overview: * Review of list basics * An array implementation * Using nodes * Doubly-linked lists * Circularly-linked lists /Exam Questions/ * Will you post answers to last problem on exam 2 (binary search)? Yes. /Lists/ * Dynamic, homogeneous collections you can iterate * Three ways to think about the order of iteration * Order controlled by the list implementer: Simple Lists * Order controlled by the client: Sequenced Lists * Order controlled by a comparator (smallest to largest): Sorted Lists * Sorted Lists are *not* Priority Queues * "get" for priority queues removes elements * "get" for lists just visits them * Typical design decisions for lists * How do we represent "where we are in the iteration"? * "Cursor" that moves * "Position" that doesn't. * Do we support simulataneous iterations? Yes * What happens to cursors/iterations when we add/delete elements? * INVALIDATE * Methods * See and * How do we implement all of these methods? * Use an array or vector * Link nodes together linearly * Build a tree /Implementing Simple Lists with Vectors/ * Fields for VectorBasedSimpleList * Vector contents; * Fields for VectorBasedListCursor * int index; * Iterating * Implement front * Create a new VBLC with index = 0 * Implement get * Get the index from the VBLC * Use that to index into the vector * Implement advance * Increment the index from the VBLC * Mutating * Implement add * Add at the end using the built-in Vector operation * Implement remove * Pull out the thing at the position * Either slide over or move the last thing into that position * Use Vector.remove() to slide over /Problems/ * Doesn't expand easily * Therefore, explore other implementations /Linearly Linked Nodes: Linked List/ * Fields for LinkedSimpleList * Node front * Node back * Fields for LinkedListCursor * Node pos * Iterating * Implement front * Build a new cursor using the front field * Implement get * Get the "value" field of the node referred to by the cursor * Implement advance * pos = * Mutation * Add * To add at the back * Make a new node * Link the old back to that new node * Make back refer to that new node * Remove * Make the pointer from the prior node point to the next node * It's annoying to get the prior node /Dealing with Remove Troubles/ * Use "removeNext" rather than "remove" * Don't support "remove" at all * Add a "prev" link to the previous node * = this.prev; * =; * = null; * this.prev = null; * Lists built with nodes with prev/next links are called "Doubly-Linked Lists" * Problem with doubly-linked lists: Lots of special cases (okay, only a few, but there are special cases) * Solution: Have a fixed node that comes after the last node and before the first. That node holds the "front" and "back" links * Such lists are called "Circularly-linked lists" * How do you prevent looping? public void advance(LinkedListCursor llc) { llc.pos =; if (llc.pos == this.reallyspecialnode) llc.pos = null; // off the list }