CSC152 2005F, Class 55: Notes on Exam 3 Admin: * Please attend class on Friday. * Please come to special final event Tuesday at 10 a.m. * Don't forget Shoba's talk today at 4:30 Overview: * Reading documentation, revisited (email) * Problem 1 * Problem 2 * Problem 3 * Problem 4 Summary: telent 25 HELO machinename MAIL From: RCPT TO: DATA yadda yadda yadda . Minimum standard for email messages Date: DAY MON YEAR TIME ZONE From: "Username" To: "Username" Subject: ... Contents On to the exam Problem 4 Linear-probe hash tables Implement "remove" Start by finding rem, the correct index of the value to remove BAD IDEA: vec.remove(rem); Correct idea: Put a null into that space vec.set(rem, null) GOOD IDEA: Go through subsequent elements looking for something to move BAD IDEA: Move things that hash to that exact spot BAD IDEA: Move things in the wrong spot GOOD IDEA: Figure out when it is and is not legal to move something