CSC152 2005F, Class 3: An Introduction to Unix Admin: * Readings for tomorrow: An Introduction to Java; Packages in Java; Java in the MathLAN * Convo on Thursday * Questions about the course site? * When you notice it "popping into" a page from the spring, please let me know what link you clicked. * Today (and this week): Lab-based introduction to tools you'll need. (I.e., Tedious and possibly mind-numbing, but necessary.) Overview: * Questions on the readings? * Lab * Reflections Reflections * Unix is case-sensitive SO PLEASE CALL YOUR DIRECTORY "CSC152" NOT "csc152" * cd /home/username * mv csc152 CSC152 * It's up to you what you write down. However, starting tomorrow, I will assume that you can * Create directories, files, and aliases * Set permissions to permit or deny access * Change present working directory * ... * Permissions, in general chmod [ugoa][+-=][rwx] * user group other all * add remove set * read write "execute" * Have a nice day!