CSC152 2004F, Class 51: Weekly Project Admin: * Apologies: I did not get a chance to check your code last night. * Cool debate tonight at 7:00 in South Lounge. Extra credit. * Cool talk tomorrow at 4:15 in 2424. Extra credit. * Exam 3 distributed. Overview: * Attempt to integrate UI and RealWorld * Attempt to integrate People * Attempt to integrate Network /UI Critiques/ * No prompt other than ">" * When someone logs in, you should tell them where they are and what they see. * Don't crash when verbs don't work. /World Critiques/ * Verbs need to work. * A world with only say and eat is *really boring* * You and People need the same interface /People Critiques/ * You and World need the same interface /Network Critiques/ * Write something that actually implements world /Friday/ * Attempt to integrate people /Back to Lists/ * SimpleList * add(Object addme) * remove(Cursor here) * Cursor getCursorAtFront() * Cursor getCursorAtEnd() * isEmpty() * NewCursor * void advance() * void retreat() * Object get() * boolean atBeginning() * boolean atEnd() * OldCursor * Object next() * Object prev() * boolean atBeginning() * boolean atEnd() * Combined * Object next() * Object prev() * void advance() * void retreat() * Object get() * boolean atBeginning() * boolean atEnd() * How do you implement SimpleLists? * Arrays (Friday) * Linked Nodes (Monday) Don't forget: Cool debate tonight! Make fun of Michael B.