CSC152 2004F, Classes 47 and 48: Weekly Project Stuff: Integration Admin: * No homework for tomorrow (Monday) * Sparse attendance. Sniff. Overview: * Start of code integration: Sam copies files and changes package * Done * Attempt to get UI working with WorldInterface interface and other stuff * Done * Attempt to get callback working * Attempt to get UI working with RealWorld and other stuff * Attempt to add People * Attempt to add Network * Questions and answers /Callback/ * One of the implementations of world is going to need to say OBJECT.broadcast(...) * Where does it get the object from? * Solution: The UI tells the world that it's ready to listen for messages ASSIGNMENTS * Clean up your code. * Try to have working code by next Tuesday. (Using the modifications we made today.) What should the WorldBuilderInterface do? * Get input from the user, call the appropriate methods in WorldBuilder * Are we responsible for storing anything? NO Welcome to the World Builder Program. > help You may P - list all the places in the world p PLACE - list all the people in one place t PLACE - list all the things in a place m NAME - modify something c - create something a - list all valid attributes q - quit > c food // Check to see if it exists already Sorry, there is already something named food in the world. Perhaps you should try food512 > c food512 // Check to see if it exists already Please describe food512: Round and squishy. Please enter an attribute: tastiness Is tastiness a string or numeric attribute?: numeric Please enter a value for tastiness: very I'm sorry, "very" is not a number Please enter a value for tastiness: 5 Does food512 have other attributes? No. Where does food512 go? Science 2417 // Create thing // Add it to a room Added food512 > t Science 2417 Science 2417 contains: samr, food512, computer1, computer2, computer3 > m samr // Fetch samr using map samr has the following attributes: hair: curly tone: irritated awakeness: -10 What would you like to modify?