Fundamentals of Computer Science II (CSC-152 2000F)

Class 27: More Recursive Algorithms

Back to Analyzing Recursive Algorithms. On to Some Sorting Algorithms.

Held Tuesday, October 10, 2000


Today we continue our analysis of recursive algorithms.



A Quick Recap

Generalizing the Technique

Running Times

Just to give you a sense of running times, here's a short table.

N     O(1)    O(log2N)    O(N)    O(Nlog2N)    O(N2)    O(2N)

   1   1        0          1          1          1         2

   2   1        1          2          2          4         4

   4   1        2          4          8         16        16

   8   1        3          8         24         64       256

1000   1       10       1000     10,000  1,000,000      10300

8000   1       13       8000    100,000 64,000,000      a lot


Repeated Multiplication with Iteration

Repeated Multiplication with Recursion

Detour: Algorithm Design: Divide and Conquer

Exponentiation with Divide and Conquer



Wednesday, 23 August 2000

Thursday, 24 August 2000

Tuesday, 10 October 2000

Back to Analyzing Recursive Algorithms. On to Some Sorting Algorithms.

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