Fundamentals of Computer Science II (CSC-152 2000F)

A Quick Guide to Using CVS - Concurrent Versions System

Clif has suggested that we start to work with a ``professional'' code file management system so that we can easily share files. This system is called CVS, and Clif has prepared a basic set of instructions. Please try this. (Perhaps on Tuesday evening.)

Configuring your account to access CVS for this project

Modify your .login to

That is, add these lines to the end of your .login:

setenv PATH $PATH\:/home/flynt/bin   
setenv CVSROOT /home/flynt/CVS_ROOT

Using CVS for CS 152

(1) To check out the code for the CS 152 art show project:

cvs checkout Project

This will create a new directory "Project", and will check out the most current revisions of all the files.

(2) To update your project directory to the checked in version:

cd Project
cvs update [filename]

If you include the optional filename, only that file will be updated (or marked as changed.) Without the filename, all files in the current directory are checked.

This will copy the most current version of the source code files into your directory.

If you've modified a file, it will mark that file to be copied to the repository.

If you've modified a file, and a new version has been checked into the repository, cvs will attempt to merge the changes into your file.

(3) To check your new code into cvs:

cd Project
cvs update [filename]
cvs commit [filename]

If you include the optional filename, only that file will be updated (or marked as changed.) Without the filename, all files in the current directory are checked.

You will be given an editor session to enter comments about the new code you are checking in.

(4) To add new source code files

cd Project
cvs add


Sunday, 2 May 1999

Monday, 3 May 1999

Thursday, 23 August 2000

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