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[Lab Writeups]
[CS151 2000F]
[CS151 2001S]
[CS151 2002F]
[CS151 2003S]
This Web site is intended to keep a historical record for the various
documents Sam Rebelsky creates for his sections of Grinnell College's
course CSC151, Fundamentals of Computer Science I. By keeping
a separate historical record, I ease the process of making future
links for my documents (since they can link to the corresponding
history document, and that document can contain future versions).
The history site is a work in process, and will eventually be superceded by a more elegant history mechanism.
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[Lab Writeups]
[CS151 2000F]
[CS151 2001S]
[CS151 2002F]
[CS151 2003S]
This document was generated by
Siteweaver on Thu Feb 13 11:32:54 2003.
The source to the document was last modified on Thu Feb 13 11:14:26 2003.
This document may be found at http://www.cs.grinnell.edu/~rebelsky/Courses/CS151/History/index.html
You may wish to validate this document's HTML ; ; Check with Bobby
Samuel A. Rebelsky, rebelsky@grinnell.edu