CSC151 2010S, Class 35: Characters and Strings Overview: * Q&A * Lab Admin: * Reading for Friday: Vectors. * XKCD has a Color Name Survey (see link on today's Web page). * I will strive to make today another "Sam just answers questions" day. * Assignment 7 was delayed by the storm. Expect to receive it some time tonight. * We may have a faculty visitor on Friday. * EC for Wednesday's CS and Disability talk (4:15 in JRC101). * EC for Thursday's convocation. * EC for Thursday's "Teaching Millenials" CS Extra (4:30 in Science 3821). * EC for Friday's "Computational Games" CS Extra (noon in Science 3821; Free Pizza). I need an approximate count. * Approximately 10 Wrapup stuff * Note: A lot of "How would you design this" stuff today * Lots of the design seems arbitrary * But some parts have some clever hidden stuff Lowercase and uppercase are 32 apart (easy to switch) Letters are in order and contiguous Below 32 is "special character"; (makes it easy to check for special characters) * Today's really bad joke: Who has my ung?