CSC151 2010S, Class 32: Randomized (Unpredictable) Drawing Overview: * Final questions on the exam. * Random art. * The random procedure. * Using randomness in making images. * Simulation. Admin: * Reading for Monday (after break): Numeric Recursion. * No surprises today. Sorry. * Have a great break.! * CS Table Today: The Art of Computer Programming. Questions on the Exam: * Yes, I know that there's a lot more errata on the exam. I'm behind in incorporating it. * Close hues with wraparound * See whiteboard * For the turtle one: * Assume the pen is down at the beginning and make sure that it's down at the end * But lift it up when you're moving and don't want to draw Sam's claim: The history of art shows artists experimenting with "randomness" - things beyond their control * Dada - An art movement near WWI reacting to the destructive capability of humanity * Make no sense, since the world does not make sense * Humans do things badly, so remove as much as possible of the human from the process of making art * Note: You can get some interesting (and even artistic) stuff out of random processes We're going to try to do the same thing in GIMP We need a technique for randomness: * (random N) - gives you an "unpredictable" number between 0 and N-1, inclusive