CSC151 2010S, Class 09: Laboratory: Writing Your Own Procedures Admin: * Readings for tomorrow: Raster Graphics and RGB colors. * EC for Thursday's convocation. (And why Sam believes in convocation.) * Are there questions on Assignment 3? * Don't forget that we have class on Tuesdays! Overview: * Questions. * Lab! Questions on Assignment 3 * How do we group two things together? (drawing-group drawing1 drawing2) * When a group of drawings is rendered, the latter drawings appear on top of the prior drawings. * What if drawing1 is based on drawing2? (drawing-group (function drawing2) drawing2) (define shadow (lambda (drawing) (drawing-recolor (drawing-scale drawing-unit-circle 100) "grey"))) (define simple-picture (drawing-group (drawing-scale drawing-unit-circle 50) (drawing-recolor (drawing-scale drawing-unit-square 30) "red")))