CSC151 2010S, Class 06: Computing with Symbols and Numbers Admin: * Reading for Wednesday: Drawings as Values. Somewhat longer, and expects some attempts to interpret code. * There's Drupal training for students on Saturday. * Note that a lot of offices on campus are likely to be looking for students who are able to use Drupal. * No, you don't get EC for Drupal training. * Assignment 1 returned via email last night. * Quiz 1 returned via email last night. * I saw a few problems with repetition, which we'll go over quickly again. * Are there questions on Assignment 2? * What can you assume? SEE THE ASSIGNMENT Basically, the ability to draw a few basic shapes (which the 'computer' might do with the GIMP, or physical paintnig tools, or just in the virtual space we call "imagination") * What if we can't translate all of part 1 to part 2? That's why there's part 3. * Does a rectangle that is both filled and outlined count as two things? Yes. * Do two connected lines count as two lines? Yes. * Should I use 'like' five times in a sentence? No. * Will Nora be available to help? Yes, she'll be here from 7-9 pm EVERY Tuesday night. * Should we copy-and-paste into the email? Yes. That makes my life more convenient. * EC: CS Table Friday at noon. Information distributed via email. * EC: CS Extras Thursday at 4:30 in 3821 (Talk on summer opportunities in CS). * Assigned groups for this week: Alphabetical pairs * For some reason, there are still a few pages that link to the 2009 site. If you notice one, please let me know. * There is a lot more in today's outline than I plan to discuss in class. Overview: * Questions on the reading. * Modulo. * Lab. Repetition: * The common mistake "To open a jar of peanut butter, do ..." "Repeat that action with the jar of jelly" * This is a nice instance of defining and using a subroutine * It isn't really the kind of repetition we normally talk about * Repetition is normally * Do THE FOLLOWING ACTION(S) until some condition holds * Do THE FOLLOWING ACTION(S) THIS MANY TIMES Questions: * remainder vs. modulo