CSC151 2007S, Class 26: Project: Text Generation (Part Two) Admin: * Due: HW 10 * I will be available via email (but not promptly) over the next few days. * Please email me questions on the project. * You will form groups at the beginning of class tomorrow. Overview: * Review * Improving Our Text Generation Strategy. * Questions. * Lab. /What did we do yesterday?/ * Started working on the project * Learned how to generate "random" words * Um you put words in a text document (file) and then have a procedure compute a ratio of 1000 and take words from the list * Lines in the file ("WORD" frequency) * Strategy: Read a line, check the frequency, if its below the computed frequency, return the word * Otherwise, update computed freq and recursse * Thought about the next few days * Yesterday: The basics * Today: We'll hear from Jayme * Tomorrow: Choose groups, choose a goal, start to work on it * Friday: Work more on the goal * One way to construct compound parts of speech (define sentence (lambda () (string-append (generate-part-of-speech 'foo) (generate-part-of-speech 'bar)))) * Wrote * Procedure to capitalize the first word in the sentence /The New Reading/ * In addition to randomly selecting parts of speech, you can randomly select sentence structure (and other structures). * Somehow need to "construct" the sentence structure (turn it into a string) using the build procedure /Some Sentences/ * A great big pile of candy canes speaks.