CSC151 2007S, Class 56: Review for Final Admin: * Grades have been distributed. * I still have a few EC lists to go through, and some of you may be doing the extra homework, project, or final. * Otherwise, the grade you received in the email is the grade I will record. * There will be a final. * Congratulations to those who gave excllent responses on the assessment. * I will be packing my office over the next few weeks. Feel free to stop by and laugh. Overview: * Grading. * The Final. * Preparing for the Final. > (foldl cons (list 1 2 3 4 5)) (cons (cons (cons (cons 1 2) 3) 4) 5) > (apply cons (list 1 2 3 4 5)) PRETTYBUGPICTURE You idiot, haven't you learned by now that cons can only be applied to two values. You gave it five. Perhaps you just can't count. > (foldr cons (list 1 2 3 4 5)) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 5)))) How do you get ready for an in-class final in CS * Go through labs, homework, exams, and eboards * "Could I do that again?" * Yes, go on * No, work on it, get help * Maybe, try it * Possibly backwards, rather than forwards * Make notes of the things that you know are important, but you can never remember the details * Design your own questions and try to answer them * You may always hit the "wonderful" question of "Write your own question and answer it. You will be graded on both the quality of the question and the quality of the answer."