CSC151.01 2007S, Class 03: Working in DrScheme Admin: * EC: Thursday, 11 a.m., Johanna Meehan on vocation (or lack thereof). * EC: Thursday, 4:15 p.m., John David Stone on the game of life. * Read Beginning Scheme for Friday (perhaps in advance of doing the assignment). * Homework 2 is available, and due Friday. * Form groups today! * I anticipate finishing grading HW1 tomorrow. Overview: * Wrap up the MathLAN lab. * Do DrScheme lab. * Reflect ----- Questions: * I'm so awesome, I finished the lab before class started. What should I do? * Find a partner, and start the HW. * I feel stupid. I see people around me finishing the second lab, and I haven't even started it. Help! * Different people progress at different speeds. * Early success or difficulty is a poor predictor for overall success in the class. Reflections: * How do you know the square root computation is correct?