CSC151 2007S, Class 09: Boolean Values and Predicates Admin: * Are there questions on Homework 5? * Sorry for the confusion. * Don't worry about newlines/carriage returns * Reading for Tuesday: Conditionals. Overview: * Preparation. * Lab. /Lab Notes/ * A good idea from BZ (define table-column (lambda (val) (list 'number? (number? val) 'symbol? (symbol? val) 'string? (string? val) 'procedure? (procedure? val) 'boolean? (boolean? val) 'list? (list? val)))) * Math-geek question: (triangle? 1 2 3) Degenerate triangle * primitive? is a built-in procedure that checks whether its parameter is a built-in procedure * Another way to check ranges (define valid-grade? (lambda (grade) (<= 0 grade 100)))