CSC151 2007S, Class 36: Randomized Images Admin: * Due: Exam 2 * EC for participating in Hoofin' It. * If you cannot afford the entry fee, I will pay it * But please be honest * EC for Singers Concert @ 7:30 * EC for March of Dimes * EC if softball ever plays at home, isn't rained out, and you attend * EC for watching Tommy "play" Rugby on April 14 (you do not get extra credit for watching the traditional post-rugby activities) * Homework 11 assigned: Write a parameterized procedure to draw something "interesting". * Emily wishes she could take 151 again just so she could do this assignment. "It's a really cool assignment, you have to admit." * That statement probably confirms something you've suspected about Emily. * And something she admits. Overview: * Randomized Drawing - Some Theory. * Randomized Drawing - Some Practice. * Lab. /Art in the Postmodern World/ * One theme - Decentralization of the artist * Works created without conscious effort are potentially interested * Works created in nature are potentially interesting * Works not created as art are potentially art * Comes from the Dada movement (early 20th century) * Dada poetry - random selection of words * Dada movement was also reacting to the spirit of the times * Opposition to the implicit class hierarchy in art * Opposition to facism * ... * Some current movements in which artist designs process and a machine does the process to make the "art work" * Randomness on the computer can be a tool * To inspire * One current trend in digital art: Genetic art * Electric sheep /Predictable Randomness in the GIMP/ * Any procedure that takes a number as a parameter can be made "random" * Any procedure that takes one of a limited number of values can be made "random" * To select randomly from a list of objects (list-ref objects (random (length objects)))