CSC151 2007S, Class 29: Pairs and Pair Structures Admin: * Are there questions on project one? I've extended the due date until Friday. * What goes into a Web site citation - The same as in every citation, plus URL, date modified and date accessed. Author (Date). Title. Title of Enclosing Work, if Appropriate. Online resource at URL (last modified DATE, visited DATE). Rebelsky, Samuel (2007). Project Report - Text Generation. CSC151.02 2007S. Online resource at (last modified 4 February 2007; visited 12 March 2007). * Thanks for your patience during my absence. The talk and poster went surprisingly well. * Unfortunately, I'll be away on Wednesday because of my eldest son's math meet. Overview: * Memory and Naming. * Pairs and Cons cells. * Why care? * Lab. /Printing a List/ * Print the open paren * Call a helper to print the individual elements * Print the car * Cond * cdr is null - print right paren * cdr is a pair - print a space and recurse * cdr is anything else - Print a dot, the cdr, and a right paren /Reflection on the Lab/