CSC151 2007S, Class 22: Input and Ouptut Admin: * Homework 8 is now due Friday. * Homework 9 is now due Friday. * Questions on either homework? * Reading for tomorrow: Files * Convo Thursday: Jackie Brown * CS Extra Thursday: Google(R)'s PageRank(R) algorithm * Noon (I think) * Requires understanding of linear algebra (I think) Overview: * Interactive programs. * Output in Scheme. * Input in Scheme. * lab /Context: What does it mean to work with a program?/ * In Scheme: Type expression in interactions pane and seeing it compute a result * Current model: WIMP: Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers * Behind the scenes, these actions "Click here", "Type here" are turned into input for a program * Interactive terminal model: Type something (in response to a prompt), see a resopnse * Batch model: Submit program and input. Wait. Wait. Wait. Get some tea (not in a plastic cup which will probably melt in the microwave). See the results. /Scheme Supports the Interactive Terminal Model/ * um (corresponds to "wait some more") * display - one of the ways to show output - Human readable * read - get the next input value * write - another way to show output - Scheme readable * newline - moves on to the next line of text (underneath the current line)