CSC151 2007S, Class 17: Documentation, Preconditions and Postconditions Admin: * Are there questions on the exam? * Do we have to differentiate between rational and real? * I try not to require you to do things that Scheme does not support. * Reading for tomorrow: Unit Testing. * EC for Thursday's convo Reframing Disability: New Ways of Seeing and Representing Disability * EC for watching YouTube movie on "Accessible Grinnell" Overview: * The need for documentation. * Verifying preconditions. * Husk and Kernel programming. * Lab. /In addition to writing program code, most programmers write documentation/ * Code is for computers and humans to read * Documentation is for humans only Who reads procedures? * Maintainer: The person or people responsible for making sure that the procedure works. * These people must know the inner workings, and the design * Client: The person or people who use the procedure in their own procedures * These people must know what the procedure does, with some precision When you first write code, you think "I know what this does and how it does it" * Six months from now, you'll forget * You'll be your own client and maintainer To support client and maintainer, you need to write comments/documentation * We'll focus on supporting clients Write "Six P's" to support clients Four are "trivial" ;;; Procedure: ;;; THE NAME ;;; Parameters: ;;; NAME and TYPE ;;; Purpose: ;;; A sentence or two high-level description ;;; Produces: ;;; NAME and TYPE ;;; Procedure: ;;; modulo ;;; Parameters: ;;; num1, an integer ;;; num2, a non-zero integer ;;; Purpose: ;;; Computes the modulus of num1 and num2. ;;; Produces: ;;; result, an integer Last two P's are for subtleties/formality ;;; Preconditions: ;;; What must be true (other than types) for the procedure to work ;;; Postconditions: ;;; If num2 is positive, ;;; 0 <= result < num2 ;;; There exists an integer, a, s.t. a*num2 + result = num1 You should always think about the question of "For what parameters will my procedure work and for what parameters will it fail to work?" * If the parameters are wrong, what should you do? * "Pure" prepost model: Whatever you want * Friendly model: Report an error "modulo: expected an integer as the first parameter" * The friendly model takes more work * More programmer work to check the parameters * More work for the computer to check * Looks a bit less elegant Solution: Write two versions of each procedure, * One just does the job w/o checking preconditions: kernel * The other checks the preconditions and then calls the first: husk How do you report errors? (error "what went wrong")