CSC151 2007S, Class 15: Recursion with Natural Numbers (2) Admin: * Reading for Friday: Local Bindings with let. * EC: For supporting Grinnell's Ultimate Teams (Grinnellephants and Sticky Tongues) at their meet in Baton Rouge this weekend. * EC: Track meet at UIowa Friday afternoon (3ish) Overview: * Q & A. * Lab. * Reflection. Problem, midway through the lab, iota (define iota (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) null (cons n (iota (- n 1)))))) Reflection - Why did I ask for the second definition of iota, in terms of count-from? * Remember that you can solve many problems by relying on previously solved problems. * To point out a potential flaw in count-from - it doesn't work correctly if the upper bound is less than the lower bound * Worry about "boundary cases" Nesting lists: Which is better? (define nest (lambda (val depth) (if (zero? depth) val (list (nest val (- depth 1)))))) (define nest (lambda (val depth) (if (zero? depth) val (nest (list val) (- depth 1)))))