CSC151 2007S, Class 13: Recursion with Lists Admin: * HW6 returned (via email). More grading on the near horizon. * If there's a snow day on Tuesday, I may be bringing my children to class. * Reading for tomorrow: Recursion with Natural Numbers. Overview: * Q&A. * Labs. ; Proceeds and profits in the Spencer Grill (define coffee-proceeds (lambda (small large) (+ (* small 175) (* large 290)))) (define coffee-profits (lambda (small large) (- (coffee-proceeds small large) (coffee-costs small large)))) (define coffee-costs (lambda (small large) (* cost-per-ounce (+ (* small ounces-per-small) (* large 20))))) (define cost-per-ounce 5) (define ounces-per-small 12) (define ounces-per-large 20) (define profit-per-small (- cost-per-small (* cost-per-ounce ounces-per-small))) ; Procedures you should know (string-ref str pos) - Extract the character at position pos from str (char-ci=? ch1 ch2)