Fundamentals of Computer Science I: Media Computing (CS151.02 2007F)

Laboratory: Raster Graphics: Images from Pixels and Colors

This lab is also available in PDF.

Summary: In this laboratory, you will explore some issues with the creation and modification of simple raster graphics, primarily in terms of the creation and analysis of colors.




Start DrFu (which starts The GIMP and the DrScheme interface for programming). If you've forgotten how to do so, review the first DrFu lab.


Exercise 1: Creating Some Images

For this laboratory, you will need to work with two images.

a. Using the techniques described in the corresponding reading, create and show a 9x5 image called landscape.

Recall that ( width height) creates an image and (define name expression) assigns a name to a computed value.

b. As you may recall, the initial color associated with an image is the current background color. Change the background color to yellow in preparation for the next step.

Recall that (envt.set-bgcolor! color) sets the background color and that (cname->rgb name) lets you get a color by name.

c. Using the same technique that you used for step a, create and show a 5x7 image called portrait.

Exercise 2: Changing Selected Pixels

a. Make the top-left pixel of each of the two images red. Recall that you set pixels using (image.set-pixel! image column row color) and that you can get a color from its name with (cname->rgb "name").

b. Make the bottom-right pixel of each of the two images black.

c. You may have found that it is difficult to see the changes that you've made. To better observe these changes, let us enlarge the picture.

Exercise 3: A Simple Form

Pick one of your two images and write instructions to make a green plus sign in the exact center of the image. The plus sign should be three pixels wide and three pixels high.

Exercise 4: Selecting New Colors

As you may recall from the reading, the (cname.list name) procedure lets you find out all the color names that DrFu knows about that include name. For example, (cname.list "red") will tell you about various red-like colors.

Set the upper-right corner of each image to one of those variants of red.

Exercise 5: Selecting New Colors, Revisited

Of course, you should not be limited by our suggestions for possible colors. Write down the names of five of your favorite colors and then see if any of them are defined by using cname.list.

a. Using those results or other explorations of the DrFu color space, pick three color names that you like, find the corresponding RGB values, and name them fave1, fave2, and fave3.

For example, if spicy pink were my favorite color, I might write

(define fave1 (cname->rgb "spicy pink"))

You may find it easiest to look at colors using envt.set-fgcolor!. For example, if I wanted to see what spicy pink looked like, I might use

(envt.set-fgcolor! "spicy pink")

b. Set some pixels to your favorite colors.

c. Create a new file, /home/username/Desktop/fave-colors.sct, that contains these three definitions. You may want to review the DrFu lab for how to save definitions.

Exercise 6: Representing Colors

Recall that you can find out the value DrFu associates with a name by typing it in the interactions window and then hitting enter.

a. Find out what values DrFu associates with your three favorite colors.

b. Are those values clearer or less clear than the names you've used?

c. (Optional) Hypothesize what those values represent.

Exercise 7: From Colors to Names

As you may recall from the reading, one way we deal with the lack of clarity of color values is to use the rgb->cname procedure to find the name of a similar color.

Verify that rgb->cname successfully finds the names of your three favorite colors.

Exercise 8: Working with Existing Images

The (image.load "file-name") procedure allows us to load an image from a file. As is the case with create-image, load-image does not immediately show the image it has loaded. And, as is the case with, you'll need to name the image you've just loaded.

a. Load the image /home/rebelsky/glimmer/samples/rebelsky-stalkernet.jpg, name it sample, and show it in a new window.

b. Save your StalkerNet picture to /home/username/Desktop/me.jpg, load that picture, name it self-portrait, and show it in a new window.

How do you save your StalkerNet picture? You first find yourself in StalkerNet. Next, you right click on the picture, select Save As ... from the menu that appears, navigate to the desktop, and choose the name me.jpq..

Although Grinnell College owns the copyright in your StalkerNet picture and tells us so repeatedly in strong language, our use of that picture for this lab and elsewhere in the class clearly falls under the rubric of fair use.

c. Set the bottom-left pixel in each of the two new images to white.

Exercise 9: Getting Information from Existing Images

a. Set the color of the center pixel in portrait to the color of the center pixel in self-portrait. (If there is not a center pixel in self-portrait because it has even width or height, use one near the center.)

b. Find out the name of the color of some pixel in self-portrait using image.get-pixel and rgb->cname.


Explorations are intended for students interested in further exploring the design aspects of these techniques. They also provide students who finish early with extra activities that may challenge them in different ways.

Create a new 9x5 image called canvas. Fill the pixels of the canvas with variations of blue to produce something you find compelling.

If those instructions are too vague, you might consider how to use those shades of blue to make an image that induces some mood, such as relaxation or playfulness.




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Samuel A. Rebelsky,

Copyright © 2007 Janet Davis, Matthew Kluber, and Samuel A. Rebelsky. (Selected materials copyright by John David Stone and Henry Walker and used by permission.) This material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CCLI-0633090. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.