CS151, Class 16: Recursion Lab Overview: * Questions and reflection * Lab * More reflection Notes: * Happy valentine's day * Weekly survey * Questions on HW2? * Exam 1 distributed a week from today? * Schedule of topics updated (with assignments) * Cool talk at 4:30 on Fermat's little theorem * About attendance Fermat's little theorem: Given Prime P and 0 <= A < P (= A (mod (expt A P) P)) ---------------------------------------- Questions on the reading or Wednesday? Question: Why do we create so many helper procedures? Answer: We often need to keep track of an extra value For example, sum expects only ONE parameter, a list of values If we want to keep track of both sum-so-far and the remainder of the list, we need another procedure Question: The procedure we wrote for finding the biggest failed miserably. ---------------------------------------- REFLECTION * If you were telling a prospective student about the highlights of Grinnell, would you emphasize: + Small classes? + Friendly profs? + Sarcastic profs? + Wonderful Iowa weather? + Daghorhiririririririri + ESPN's favorite small-town basketball team? + Highest-paid liberal arts college president? + Tutorial? * Yes, Sam makes mistakes, too!