CSC151, Class 50: Merge Sort Overview: * Questions * Lab * Reflection Notes: * Good job on presentations yesterday! It's hard to fit stuff in ten minutes. * Read Records in Scheme * Questions on the exam? Question 1: less-than Suppose we have two vectors, a and b. When is a less than b? when element[0] of a is less than element[0] of b or when element[0] of a equals element [0] of b and element[1] of a is less than element [1] of b or when elements[0..1] of a equal elements [0..1] of b and element[2] of a is less than element [2] of b and so on and so forth You may find that you run out of elements in one vector before the other. In that case, the vector that ends first is smaller. Can we assume that element 0 of each vector is a string or number? NO! Part of the fun of this problem is deep recursion ---------------------------------------- Merge sort Do the lab. For problem 1a, I wanted something like (merge (list 1 2 3) (list 1 1.9 2.5) <=) For problem 1d, your solution should look something like (merge cs-faculty young-cs-kids (lambda (person1 person2) ...)) (define foo (time xxx))