1.My own experience: Louis Mcginty
2.Avintash, MEET, 10 reasons why Linux is better than Windows for the Mauritian School IT Project. 7/18/03. Date of Access: 9/7/03 http://www.linux.mu/spip/article.php3?id_article=15
3.Associated Press. Nations Develop Non-Windows Software. 9/5/03. Date of Access: 9/7/03 http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,4149,1252634,00.asp
4.Tennant, Don. Q & A: Novell will make 'immature' Linux robust and reliable, CEO says. 4/15/03. Date of Access: 9/8/03 http://www.computerworld.com/softwaretopics/os/story/0,10801,80359,00.html
5.Berry, Victoria. Feature: Linux a cheaper choice. 4/10/02. Date of Access: 9/08/03 http://www.itworld.com/Comp/2384/020410linuxcheaperchoice/
6.GB Direct. What is Linux? Date of Access 9/08/03 http://ebusiness.gbdirect.co.uk/linux_and_open_source_software/what_is_linux.html
7. Special thanks to Josh Rosenbluh who taught me the merits of Linux oh so long ago (my freshman year).