The Scientific Proof

Our theory involves some simple if-then statements that when linked inarguably prove the beneficial powers of chocolate. The important statements for our theorem are as follows

Then, by using a simple logical argument, we can conclude from the statements that a lot of exercise and a lot of chocolate have similar effects. Therefore, there is a direct correlation between exercise and chocolate. Moreover, although a lot of exercise can make you sick, in moderation it has many positive benefits which leads us to the conclusion that, since chocolate and exercise are directly correlated, chocolate in moderation also has many positive benefits similar to those of moderate exercise.

Therefore, the conclusion of our theorem is

If you eat chocolate in moderation, then your health will improve.

For our younger readers and our visual learners, we also have the pictorial representation of our theorem.

Interested in more information about our theorem and some helpful suggestions on how to get started getting healthy with chocolate?

Disclaimer: Nileena Job and Louisa Poythress do not take legal or moral responsibility for the health or well-being of any person who should consume chocolate after reading this article and consequently suffer ill effects due to lack of willpower.