Fundamentals of Computer Science I (CSC-151.02 2000F)

Naming Values with Local Bindings

So far we've seen three ways in which a value can be associated with a name in Scheme:

As you may have noted, it is sometimes inconvenient to have to call a helper procedure when all you want to do is name some values within a procedure.


Scheme provides let expressions as an alternative way to create local bindings. A let-expression contains a binding list and a body. The body can be any expression, or sequence of expressions, to be evaluated with the help of the local name bindings. The binding list is a pair of structural parentheses enclosing zero or more binding specifications; a binding specification, in turn, is a pair of structural parentheses enclosing a name and an expression.

Here's the general form of a let expression

  ((name1 exp1)
   (name2 exp2)
   (namen expn))

When Scheme encounters a let-expression, it begins by evaluating all of the expressions inside its binding specifications. Then the names in the binding specifications are bound to those values. Next, the expressions making up the body of the let-expression are evaluated, in order. The value of the last expression in the body becomes the value of the entire let-expression. Finally, the local bindings of the names are cancelled. (Names that were unbound before the let-expression become unbound again; names that had different bindings before the let-expression resume those earlier bindings.)

Here's an example of a binding list, taken from a let-expression in a real Scheme program:

((next (car source))
 (stuff '()))

This binding list contains two binding specifications -- one in which the value of the expression (car source) is bound to the name next, and the other in which the empty list is bound to the name stuff. Notice that binding lists and binding specifications are not procedure calls; their role in a let-expression simply to give names to certain values while the body of the expression is being evaluated. The outer parentheses in a binding list are ``structural,'' like the outer parentheses in a cond-clause -- they are there to group the pieces of the binding list together.

Using a let-expression often simplifies an expression that contains two or more occurrences of the same subexpression. The programmer can compute the value of the subexpression just once, bind a name to it, and then use that name whenever the value is needed again. Sometimes this speeds things up by avoiding such redundancies as the recomputation of values. In other cases, there is little difference in speed, but the code may be a little clearer. For instance, here is an alternative definition of the remove-all procedure.

(define remove-all
  (lambda (item ls)
    (if (null? ls)
        (let ((first-element (car ls))
              (rest-of-result (remove-all item (cdr ls))))
          (cond ((equal? first-element item) rest-of-result)
                ((pair? first-element)
                 (cons (remove-all item first-element) rest-of-result))
                (else (cons first-element rest-of-result)))))))

Sequencing Bindings with let*

It is also possible to nest one let-expression inside another. One might be tempted to try to combine the binding lists for the nested let-expressions, thus:

;; Combining the binding lists doesn't work!
(let ((total (+ 8 3 4 2 7))
      (mean (/ total 5)))
  (* mean mean))

This wouldn't work (try it and see!), and it's important to understand why not. The problem is that, within one binding list, all of the expressions are evaluated before any of the names are bound. Specifically, Scheme will try to evaluate both (+ 8 3 4 2 7) and (/ total 5) before binding either of the names total and mean; since (/ total 5) can't be computed until total has a value, an error occurs. You have to think of the local bindings coming into existence simultaneously rather than one at a time.

Because one often needs sequential rather than simultaneous binding, Scheme provides a variant of the let-expression that rearranges the order of events: If one writes let* rather than let, each binding specification in the binding list is completely processed before the next one is taken up:

;; Using LET* instead of LET works!
(let* ((total (+ 8 3 4 2 7))
       (mean (/ total 5)))
  (* mean mean))

The star in the keyword let* has nothing to do with multiplication. Just think of it as an oddly shaped letter.

Local Procedures

One can use a let- or let*-expression to create a local name for a procedure:

(define hypotenuse-of-right-triangle
  (let ((square (lambda (n)
                  (* n n))))
    (lambda (first-leg second-leg)
      (sqrt (+ (square first-leg) (square second-leg))))))

Regardless of whether square is defined outside this definition, the local binding gives it the appropriate meaning within the lambda-expression that describes what hypotenuse-of-right-triangle does.


February 26, 1997 (John Stone)

March 17, 2000 (John Stone)

2 October 2000 (Samuel A. Rebelsky)

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