Fundamentals of Computer Science I (CSC-151.02 2000F)

Procedures as Values

In this lab, you will experiment with many variations of the concept of using procedures as values.


Exercise 1: Tally

Here are three procedures with similar structures. The first one finds out how many even numbers there are in a given list of integers; the second finds out how many whitespace characters there in a given list of characters; the third one finds out how many of the elements of a given list are symbols.

(define even-tally
  (lambda (ls)
    (cond ((null? ls) 0)
          ((even? (car ls)) (+ (even-tally (cdr ls)) 1))
          (else (even-tally (cdr ls))))))

(define whitespace-tally
  (lambda (ls)
    (cond ((null? ls) 0)
          ((char-whitespace? (car ls)) (+ (whitespace-tally (cdr ls)) 1))
          (else (whitespace-tally (cdr ls))))))

(define symbol-tally
  (lambda (ls)
    (cond ((null? ls) 0)
          ((symbol? (car ls)) (+ (symbol-tally (cdr ls)) 1))
          (else (symbol-tally (cdr ls))))))

a. Write a procedure, (tally predicate lst) that counts the number of values in a list that meet a particular predicate.

b. Define each of the previous procedures in terms of tally.

Exercise 2: Preconditions for Tallying

What preconditions should tally have? Why?

We'll discuss this exercise at the end of lab.

Exercise 3: Getting Keys

Use map to give a concise definition of a procedure association-list-keys that takes one argument, an association list, and returns a list of the keys for that association list.

Exercise 4: Mapping on Multiple Lists

The map procedure can actually take more than two arguments, if all of the extras are lists:

> (map string-append (list "left" "start" "beginning")
                     (list "-to-" "-to-" "-to-")
                     (list "right" "finish" "end"))
("left-to-right" "start-to-finish" "beginning-to-end")

> (map cons (list 'a 'b 'c) (list 'd 'e 'f))
((a . d) (b . e) (c . f))

Using map, define a procedure, pairwise-max that takes as arguments two lists of numbers, equal in length, and returns a new list whose components are the largest of each corresponding pair of values of the arguments. For example,

> (pairwise-max '(2 3 4 5) '(6 4 2 8))
(6 4 4 8)

(Note the max is built in to Scheme.)

Exercise 5: Preconditions to pairwise-max

a. What happens if you provide your previous procedure with different length lists?

b. What preconditions should pairwise-max have?

Exercise 6: Procedures as Return Values

You've seen that procedures can be parameters. Procedures can also be return values from other procedures. Consider the following procedure, (make-add val) that creates a procedure that adds val to its argument.

(define make-add
  (lambda (val)
    (lambda (x) (+ val x))))

a. What happens if you ask for (make-add 2)?

b. What happens when you enter the following code?

(define add1 (make-add 1))
(add1 10)

c. What happens when you enter the following?

(let ((add2 (make-add 2)))
  (add2 5))

d. Explain the result of ((make-add 2) 4)

Exercise 7: Making Talliers

Define and test a procedure make-tallier that takes a predicate as its argument and constructs and returns a specialized tallying procedure that counts the number of elements of a given list that satisfy the predicate.

Once that procedure is defined, we should be able to write

(define even-tally (make-tallier even?))
(define symbol-tally (make-tallier symbol?))



Friday, 27 October 2000

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