Fundamentals of Computer Science I (CSC-151.02 2000F)

Academic Honesty

I expect you to follow the highest principles of academic honesty. Among other things, this means that any work you turn in should be your own or should have the work of others clearly documented. However, when you explicitly work as part of a group or team, you need not identify the work of each individual (unless I specify otherwise).

You should never ``give away'' answers to homework assignments or examinations. You may, however, work together in developing answers to most homework assignments. Except as specified on individual assignments, each student should develop his or her own final version of the assignment. On written assignments, each student should write up an individual version of the assignment and cite the discussion. On non-group programming assignments, each student should do his or her own programming, although students may help each other with design and debugging.

When working on examinations, you should not use other students as resources.

If you have a question as to whether a particular action may violate academic standards, please discuss it with me (preferably before you undertake that action).

Citing Program Code

Note that computer programming shares with normal writing a need to cite work taken from elsewhere. It is certainly acceptable practice to borrow other code for your assignments. However, you must cite any code that you use from elsewhere. Each piece of code you take from elsewhere must include a comment that specifies:

This applies not only to the code you get from the Web and elsewhere; it also applies to code you get from me and from the textbook.

You do not need to cite the classes and libraries you use, as the command to include classes and libraries within a program provides sufficient citation.


The unrecalled days before I came to Grinnell.

Some other unrecalled days, presumably after I came to Grinnell.

Saturday, 21 August 1999

Monday, 17 January 2000

Thursday, 24 August 2000

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